I just read yet another rant by a religionist claiming that athiests are moral relativists. This ignoramus has it backwards. I believe, for example, that it is ALWAYS wrong to kill someone who is not actively trying to kill me or someone else (or who has not been convicted of already doing so). Always. This princple does not change. Can the Christian claim the same?
The christian can claim he or she believes "thou shalt not kill", and that murder is wrong, but then ask "What about in the bible where David, before he was king, went on thieving raids with 600 of his best warriors, plundering from his neighbors, and then afterwards killed anyone old enough who might inform on him?"
Here is where the Christian dives deep into moral relativism. In this one example among hundreds, the Christian will invariably say: "But times were different then-- you just don't understand."
Oh, I understand. The Christian is incapable of saying the truth. David was a cold-blooded murderer. The god of the bible was a hypocrite in his treatment of David-- God should have sent him to hell for his numerous crimes.
The entire bible is WRITTEN ON pages of moral relativism.
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